MM48 - 2020-09-30

Tracker Details

Tracker Type: WSPR

Model: PicoTrackerWSPR1Rev5

Powered by (1) 123 battery


trackerId[4] : MM48

wsprCallsignId[2] : Q4

gpsLockTimeoutMs : 150000 2:30

lhAltFtThreshold : 20000

hAlt.wakeAndEvaluateMs : 2700000 45:00

lAlt.wakeAndEvaluateMs : 180000 3:00

lAlt.stickyMs : 36000000 10:00:00

crystalCorrectionFactor : 850

systemClockOffsetMs : 11

Launch Parameters

Balloon and Payload

  • Single 52" TR9 sphere

  • 22.4 gram payload

  • 3.7 grams free lift


General Thoughts / Observations

This was a mystery flight. I expected the balloon to float at 30,000 feet, it never exceeded 5,500 feet. If floated for 19 hours before the signals stopped.

While flying, this balloon had impressive tower signals. There was one signal with 47 reporters! The signals reached as far away as Australia, Antarctica, Africa, South America, and Europe.

Thoughts for next time

I am going to repeat the test with a bit more free lift (6 versus 3.5 grams), maybe that will help understand why MM48 did not float higher.