DM01 - 2019-04-16

Tracker Details

Tracker Type: WSPR

Model: PicoTrackerWSPR1 Rev2

Powered by 2 AAA batteries


Parameters: (set <param> <val>)
id[4]                       : DM01
callsign[6]                 : KD2KDD
solarMode                   : 0
minMilliVoltGpsLocationLock : 0
minMilliVoltGpsTimeLock     : 0
minMilliVoltTransmit        : 0
gpsLockTimeoutMs            : 150000
lhAltFtThreshold            : 10000
hAlt.wakeAndEvaluateMs      : 1800000
lAlt.wakeAndEvaluateMs      : 60000
lAlt.stickyMs               : 10800000
crystalCorrectionFactor     : 0
systemClockOffsetMs         : 0

Launch Parameters

Balloon and Payload

  • 36" Qualatex, unstretched
  • 33 gram payload
  • 2.2 grams free lift

Heat sealed neck.



Walked over by train tracks.

Gusty. Misty.

Decided to launch anyway. Waited for a brief moment when air appeared to rise.

Let it go and it veered immediately toward the tracks. Hit an electrical line and was dragged across it. Then across another. Then appeared to dip behind a building.

I left unclear whether it was lying on the tracks or something else.

It definitely had positive lift in the apt and outside.

Winds make it hard to guess what will happen outside.

As of the next day no sign from it. Probably commuted to Newark and was killed.

General Thoughts / Observations

Stop launching in stupid ways.