DM01 - 2019-04-24

Tracker Details

Tracker Type: WSPR

Model: PicoTrackerWSPR1 Rev3

Powered by 2 AAA batteries


20:04:45.403037, Parameters: (set <param> <val>)
20:04:45.439273, id[4]                       : DM01
20:04:45.478814, callsign[6]                 : KD2KDD
20:04:45.512622, solarMode                   : 0
20:04:45.541034, minMilliVoltGpsLocationLock : 0
20:04:45.575043, minMilliVoltGpsTimeLock     : 0
20:04:45.609208, minMilliVoltTransmit        : 0
20:04:45.649269, gpsLockTimeoutMs            : 150000
20:04:45.683929, lhAltFtThreshold            : 10000
20:04:45.724315, hAlt.wakeAndEvaluateMs      : 1800000
20:04:45.764453, lAlt.wakeAndEvaluateMs      : 60000
20:04:45.804690, lAlt.stickyMs               : 10800000
20:04:45.838963, crystalCorrectionFactor     : -9300
20:04:45.873462, systemClockOffsetMs         : -2

Launch Parameters

Balloon and Payload

  • 36" Qualatex, unstretched
  • 32.2 gram payload
  • 2.4 grams free lift
  • Quarter-wave antenna.

Heat sealed neck.



Net changes for this launch:

- calibrate clockgen

- calibrate avr

- use fixed bit timing

- put tx channel toward low end

- accurate antenna length (99.5" instead of 100") (aka quarter wave)

- insulate AVR and clockgen

Went a few feet in the air then down in the water. No results.

General Thoughts / Observations

Been trying to get a successful flight but this is yet another failure.

This one just crashed into the water. Why? Heat/pressure difference in my apt vs outside?