DM13 - 2019-10-12

Tracker Details

Tracker Type: WSPR

Model: PicoTrackerWSPR1 Rev5 0.6mm thickness

Powered by 1 123 battery


Parameters: (set <param> <val>)
trackerId[4]            : DM13
wsprCallsignId[2]       : Q2
gpsLockTimeoutMs        : 150000 2:30
lhAltFtThreshold        : 19000
hAlt.wakeAndEvaluateMs  : 1800000 30:00
lAlt.wakeAndEvaluateMs  : 300000 5:00
lAlt.stickyMs           : 10800000 3:00:00
crystalCorrectionFactor : 1000
systemClockOffsetMs     : -18

Launch Parameters

Balloon and Payload

  • 2 x 36" Qualatex, unstretched
  • 23.0 gram payload
  • 1.8 grams free lift
  • Half-wave antenna.

Heat sealed neck.



Traveled ~2,700 miles.

Got approx 3/4 across the Atlantic.

Max altitude ~25,000 ft.

Cause of death unclear.

General Thoughts / Observations

Low-wind day. Fairly easy launch.

Nothing stands out as needing to change launch-wise.

Sticky should be 4 hours instead of 3.

By the time 3 hours elapsed, balloon was only around the low/high threshold of 19k.

I want to see float achieved (maybe around 23k ish).

Rise-time was so slow that it just took a long time.